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Book Now

Booking Form

Your Name

Your Email

Your Mobile

Your Message

Holiday Address



Vehicle Make

Vehicle Registration

Number Of People

Captcha Value

Booking Online

To book a space at St Ives Secure Car Park, please fill out the form on the left and you will be contacted back with more information.

Please ensure that your name, required dates (including length of visit), the number of vehicles and your holiday address are included in the message.

Payment Options

  • Cheques - free.
  • Payment directly into the business acount - free.
  • Please email for bank account details.

Please insure that the name, number of vehicles and holiday address are included with the bank details.

If you are paying direct into the bank account, please identify yourself on the transaction and remember to send an email confirming the payment has been completed.

A full receipt will be sent via email or by post if a full postal address has been supplied.


Refunds will be given at the discretion of the management and no refunds will be given with less than 24 hour notice.